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  • Experience Goucher
  • Who You'll Meet
  • Marie Mokuba
  • Marie Mokuba '20

    MarieHometown: My home town in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo! Some of my family also resides in Baltimore City

    Major: My major is Individualized Interdisciplinary Major: Peace Studies, French, and Africana Studies

    Where will you study abroad? Why did you pick this location?
    I plan to study abroad in Durban, South Africa. I picked this location because I'm interested in the history of Apartheid and the ways it contributes to ethnic and racial tensions in the status quo.

    What are you involved with on campus?
    I'm currently the Co-chair for the Social Justice Committee, and Senator for the Goucher Student Government, a member of the Goucher Women of Color Circle, and a member of the Reverends Rebels.

    If you had an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be?
    If I could have an unlimited supply of one thing, it would be bubbles! I would just blow some bubbles no matter the time, place, or weather!

    How did you meet one of your closest friends here?
    I met one of my closest friends through the Rhoda M. Dorsey Scholarship Program here at Goucher.